That, should realistically be the way the saying goes. Whether you view yourself as part of a corporation, a family unit, a community or a nation – you are truly considered a "part" of those units and those groups are only as strong as their weakest link.
For instance, these past several months has seen this community ripped apart by the ego of one man. Damage has been caused to the citizens of Clatsop County by this individual and his maniacal following of "minions" to the point that it undoubtedly will take an Herculean effort to overcome if he does not do the right thing and plan his exit strategy soon.
As much as we like to think of ourselves as individuals, very few people will be remembered that way. What we leave behind, for most of us unless we are outstanding in a freakish way, like Vincent van Gogh or Adolph Hitler, will be what we did do or did not do as a society,nation or culture as a whole.
This person responsible for this division locally will undoubtedly be but a blip on the radar screen of the common Clatsopian's conscience in the coming decades, but being as he has been here doing his best to pit himself and "his flock" against the rest of the world for the last 14 years, it may take another 14 years for us all to get the bad taste out of our collective mouths.
For The DA and his trusty sidekick The Editor, however, it is still not over. Up next on their agenda appear to be continuing deviciveness in the form of recalls of Commissioners and more "humor" editorials which have to be irking at least the majority of voters who have now said "no" officially.
It would nice to be hear directly from the county. To many people have no idea what rights the county has. The paper does such a crappy job that the majority of the people have no idea that Nichol Williams' job is to evaluate all petitions and that the State Elections Division backed her decision. When elections come around again that could bite her in the butt. Many people think that the DA's entire office is funded by the state. Some even thought they were voting on a budget for the DA's office! Lars Larson was confusing people by saying that the money was for the OFFICE of DA. People think the county has no right to demand that the head of the DA's department follow the county budget procedure. They need a way to understand the laws. The Seaside Signal and Canon Beach Gazette are good resources. Remember to use them.
Off topic, I apologize. I just discovered your You Tube screen at the bottom of this blog. I LOVE it! "WE" are indeed the champions, my friends! Also, you really should try the other videos with those kids. We Will Rock You is now a favorite, too. Maybe you should let people know at the top of your blog that they should check out the bottom of the blog?
You and Guy are the best, the information you write is educational and the truth. Worth reading. Keep up the good writing.
Had the truth been told more, the No 4-123 would have been a landslide.
Majority of friends voted NO, as the paper was just to much Josh.
Thanks for the compliment. I very much admire the Carton family and I learn a lot from every article they post. I don't know how many hits they get, but I get about a hundred a day on my blog. Unfortunately the Astorian has thousands of readers and few of them know just how slanted they are.
Besides the Carton family who hosts this blog and the DSM Forum I want to thank others who shared my concerns for local politics and produced articles on their blogs. This would be Astorianna Sez, Not an Attorney and Wuluski Babble.
I believe our blog voices made a difference and though we have long rows to hoe I hope we will continue exposing the truth and the facts of those trying to deceive the public in the future.
You're right they made a difference. The emails that NCO first published and then all the blogs support of the opposition w/more information made it much easier to have conversations about this matter in the office. One thing you guys might consider doing is using your tags better so people googling can find this issue easier when searching on the internet.
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