Frankly I am glad, yet surprised that Measure 4-123 failed. The “Yes” people had all the advantages in this campaign. They got their signs out first. Their signs were placed at the most visible real estate locations in
The “yes” side ran more ads in print and on the radio. They campaigned long and hard and were better organized than the opposition.
With all the lies and misstatements and free press and promotion stacked in their favor they still lost, so far by 46 votes. The only possible turn around could only come if 49 of the fifty uncounted ballots are for the Yes side, but that is statistically unlikely to happen.
Though the election was close there will still be fall-out that will continue to be seen in upcoming elections. Betsy Johnson, who always had bi-partisan support, lost a lot of respect in our County. She got personally involved in the will of the people to protect their county charter. She could have done so much good for the situation on the State level, but chose to side with Josh on a local level. It will cost her.
The Clatsop County Democratic Party had been hurt by Larry Taylor’s commitment of the Party’s backing of Josh. It would have been acceptable if this were a partisan issue where the philosophy of one Party was up against an opposing Party, but Larry committed the support of the entire Party, which alienated many members and caused some defections. New Party leadership is in order there and efforts should be made to mend fences with those they offended and gave “Cold Shoulders” to.
The Commissioners have had their reputations soiled by a lot of innuendo. They will need to step back up to the plate and get on with the business of the County and rebuild the trust that was undercut and eroded by the campaign. They simply need to hold Josh’s feet to the fire and get the performance measures they wanted and consider reinstating the stipend only if they get what they have asked for. Another problem this may bring to the surface is that if he reports true statistics it will reflect that his office is over-staffed and there will need to be a correction to bring it in line with reality. This provocative remedy will once again bring out the showman in Josh and he will accuse the Commission of punishing him, further dividing the community.
Josh is finished. He speaks of the
Thank's for writing a good article.
It says just how I feel.
I would love to see this in our paper,there are still many citizens being fooled by him.
Amen to everything you just wrote. You hit every nail on the head. Very insightful. Did you see today's Oregonian editorial page. "Losers: Josh Marquis...."
His buddy Lars said on the air that he expects Josh to leavel Clatsop County. When?
josh is leaving???
Thank you, Carton Family!!!!!
Oh, but its just a bunch of wackos with agendas. Just Richard Lee with a vendetta. Just Carrie Bartoldus with a pathological hatred. Just Jeff Hazen stabbing him in his back. Just commissioners wanting to control his office. Just criminals wanting to get at his "family".
No one else. Everyone who is against him is doing it for personal reasons and their own personal vindictive, twisted, minds, dontcha know? Josh just wants there to be peace and to get on with doing the same job he's been doing for 14 years. Long before any of us were doing anything worthwhile. He's been the only one doing anything to keep this county inline for over a decade. Dontcha know?
I found the article about Marquis so accurate, Feige hit the nail on the head. Now when are the citizens who voted for him going to wake up?
Josh Marquis ego will never let him back down and leave.
Why does the Editor of our only paper glorify him? The question has been asked many times I know, they are both on a sinking ship.
Marquis lost because he attemted to divide the citizens.
We showed him ! The ones who did vote for him, are in denial!
Great work.
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