Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Internet Connection

Click above to see our first newsletter.
Print it out, take it to work, mail it to your friends.

Occasionally we will put together a newletter. Our half-assed attempt at bringing you some hardcopy, REAL news, representing a range of topics that are traveling the blogosphere.

This one is about, yep, LNG! Get the lowdown that the Daily Astorian doesn't have the brains to tell you, the Signal doesn't have the man power and the Gazette doesn't even know we're in the same county!

Print it out, bring it to work, mail it to a friend. You never know if your blog's in it!

Remember to think about it. Do you want to leave your land use options open, or do you want to limit your land use rights even more? Do you want a strong transmission infrastructure for energy and technology, or do you want one so encumbered by land use laws no energy company, green, reusable, or otherwise will never want to come here? Do you understand what the job of the Board of County Commissioners is, as a quasi-judicial "court" and what your vote is doing to that process? Think about this. We're voting yes, make your vote COUNT!


Anonymous said...

need to reformat your doc to read easier, maybe keep it to 2 pages max. print it out you'll see what I mean. good idea , I'd list those sites in order of popularity tho

Anonymous said...

Do you mean print out the page, or the actual document?

When I downloaded the document to WORD and printed it out it was two pages, or actually one page, front and back.

I didn't try to print out the webpage.

Anonymous said...

DOwnloaded the pdf. Printed out the first time as two pages. Second time I remembered to print the pages out one at a time and flipped the paper over so it was double sided. Made twenty of them to share at work. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Once again you have provided some good reading!

Anonymous said...

Nice job. I will be downloading a couple dozen. Plan to send them to some co-workers who thought this issue wasn't worth voting on.

richpix said...

Congratulations on doing your part to keep America dependent on foreign nations for its fossil fuel supply. And doing your part to assure the continued degradation of our environment. And for your part in inviting an out-of-state corporation to take its profits elsewhere while taking advantage of the local citizenry. A fine publication indeed. You should be proud.

Anonymous said...

Hey Richpix: "And for your part in inviting an out-of-state corporation to take its profits elsewhere while taking advantage of the local citizenry"

Taking advantage? Taking its profits elsewhere? There are going to be millions spent locally for operating expenses for the plant - get it? Locally. The County tax base will increase by over 100% - to me, that means a long time before I have to worry about this bond or that bond popping up for something the County wants to build or for a school that needs something.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel that way Richpix,
However naby of the people who are a part of the Northern Star organization live in Oregon. We need a bridge fuel and natural gas is the cleanest and safest. We can help the nations that are our allies with their economy. The renewable energies ARE NOT ready to take on all of our energy needs. The state and the nation has a renewable energy plan but even at the most optimistic (and this is from the renewable energy people themselves) it will ONLY be 25% by 2025. That leaves 75% to be handled by WHAT? And paid for by WHOM?
The environmental groups each have their own agendas. Sierra Club will not allow drilling on land, Greenpeace (and various other groups) fight offshore drilling. Audubon Society fights the windmill farms. The solar companies are not only from out of state most of them are from out of the COUNTRY (but you don't seem to mind that) and solar NEEDS a companion energy source to help with fluctuations.
Are we proud that we refuse to bow to lies? You bet. Will we lie just to get a point across, no we won't. Do we admit when we are wrong? Yes, we have and we will in the future.
When we are combating a group of people who embrace the philosophy that it is their constitutional right to misinform as many people as they want as often as they want the other side of all matters must be explored and brought out.

Anonymous said...

"many" not "naby"

richpix said...

Northern Star Natural Gas is a privately owned corporation based in Houston, TX. It is majority owned (56%) by a New York outfit, MatlinPatterson Global Advisers LLC Please tell me who Northern Star employs in Oregon other than lawyers such as Stoel Rives, LLP

The Gas supplied to Bradwood would come from overseas, just as our oil does currently. Everybody screams about our being dependent on the Middle East for oil, but then when all sorts of Pacific Rim countries will supply most of the natural gas that becomes OK because it will provide 60 jobs to Clatsop County--most of which will not be filled by current Clatsop County residents, 2 or 3 years of construction labor notwithstanding.

The profits from this venture will be going to New York and Houston rather than being reinvested in the local economy. They're privately owned so they won't even have stockholders to answer to. Sure, they'll throw the locals a bone now and then. Maybe sponsor a little league team and give a few dollars to partially offset damage to the Columbia River. What they won't do is put their money in a local bank or invest in local businesses as a locally-based company might do.

And as to bowing to lies, what about the taxes promised by Northern Star? They've promised not to seek any tax breaks, but if you talk a close look at MatlinPatterson Global Advisers, who owns the controlling interest in Northern Star, you'll see they specialize in "distressed situations." meaning what they're likely to do is sell out once they can make a profit. Then Bradwood will be under new ownership and under no obligation to keep any promises made by Northern Star. Talk about misinforming the people--in five years most of that tax money could disappear.

Solar companies are mostly from out of the country? Well, why do you think that is? It's because Europe is leaps and bounds ahead of us in alternative energy. Spain already gets 10% of its energy from wind power. Iceland gets over 85% of its heating and over 25% of its electricity from geothermal energy. Germany gets 15% of its energy from renewable sources. Meanwhile the USA has languished with its hands over its ears saying no, no, no I can't hear you! We used to be leaders and innovators. We used to be resourceful and self-reliant. Whatever happened? How did we get to where we allow the big oil companies to dictate our politics and policies? And now we're going to do the same thing with LNG? Shame on us.

And yes, wind power must be supplemented by other energy sources. Why do you think T. Boone Pickens is pushing his wind energy platform? It's certainly not because he's gone green and giddy all of a sudden, it's so he can profit from the natural gas and LNG markets which he is heavily invested in. This, of course, won't do anything to help us with our energy dependence on foreign nations, it will only shift us from oil to natural gas and the same players will control the prices--more misinformation. The solution in my opinion is nuclear power, not another imported fossil fuel. If only we could find a way to neutralize the waste.

Anonymous said...

I like your news letter and the content.
How about a news letter about the justice system including the transistion center, is it working?
Why is there a bad tag on our city?
Come for vacation leave on probationn!
Who is sitting in jail, for what crimes?
How many measure 11 and what for?
Is our District Attorney as bad as we hear?