As one watches the destruction of one’s community the need to know who is at the core of it materializes. Who is it pulling the strings that is triggering this to all happen? Who benefits the most to have an elected official thrown out of office? Who benefits from public humiliation? Who benefits from the hatred dripping from once kind mouths that shriek at those who oppose their viewpoint? Who stands to benefit from spreading lies that someone’s a crook, someone else a thief, another corrupt? Who does their best work with lies, innuendo and gossip?
The process called polarization causes neutral parties to take sides in a conflict. Individuals on either side of the conflict take increasingly extreme positions that are more and more opposed to each other. As parties move toward these opposite "poles," they define themselves in terms of their opposition to a common enemy. Slowly at first and then more rapidly "distorted perceptions and simplified stereotypes emerge" while trust and respect diminish. Parties refuse to negotiate and assume more rigid positions.
Polarization is caused by a number of related psychological, sociological, and political processes. Damaging the relationship between the adversaries, as conflict escalates, is the emergence of enemy images and stereotypes. Important lines of communication and interaction that are normal to peaceful relationships are cut off, and trust diminishes. The more each party involved attributes their grievances to the other side, they more often they likely to reduce the number of non-conflictual relations and interactions that they have with the other party.
Adversaries become increasingly isolated from each other, and all inter-group communication is channeled through more antagonistic lenses. As the parties begin to have fewer and fewer ties to individuals from the other group, they begin to feel freer to employ more severe actions against that group. There is a tendency of the participants to “win” the bystanders to their side, often forcing people to chose with the "with us or against us" mentality, aggravating group isolation and polarization. The conflict intensifies as more people are drawn into the conflict.
Those who would normally urge moderation and attempt to mediate the conflict are recruited by participants in the controversy, and forced to take sides. The moderate position is not tolerated with their proponents ostracized at best, or seen as traitors to the cause at worst. Further segregation, as the process continues, results in relationships with outsiders becoming increasingly hostile and competitive.
The polarization of this community is heart wrenching. Watching once good friends turn their backs on one another, families raked over the coals, and people's reputations destroyed is more than a community should stand for. Smart, intelligent people allowing themselves to be led, to be pulled apart and destroy their own community. Who will be left standing? That’s what we should be asking ourselves.
Cui bono?
I'm not sure if the question matters. From Alumax, to a coal terminal, to cable maintenance...all these things have been offered to Clatsop county. All these things were found to be "bad".
For longshoremen, who still can't see their hands their arms are so long, it would have meant a revitalization of the port as a port of call. But, because companies asked for compromise, the projects were scuttled, defeated, killed. Warrenton hated Alumax because of who owned the company. But allied themselves with the enviros to scuttle the deal.
Cui bono?
Whether it's jobs or simple change, the tocsin of politics in Clatsop county has been to leave things just the way they are. As long as nothing changes, those who benefit now will continue to benefit.
Remember the by-pass? Remember the plumbing guy who worked against it? The janitorial supply guy who worked against it?
All dead. Stores closed.
Cui bono?
James Thurber would have found a gentle home here.
This is a silly county, filled with silly people.
"Sherif Ali! So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they remain a little people. A silly people!
"Greedy, barbarous, and cruel--as you are!"
that's the saddest thing about our local conditions i have ever heard.
i am, quite literally, weeping.
I have never seen anything divide our community like Marquis and all that surrounds him. Stipend, 4-123, this recall, and next up, Jewell.
He is like an ominous force, a dark eclipse on the horizon. What people don't realize is that it is not just Lee he hates. He hates 6,666 people who voted against HIS ballot measure, HIS stipend, HIM.
He will not forget nor forgive ALL of us, and he will get his pound of flesh .... if we do not stop him.
You are so right! It is not just Lee he hates. He is on a mission to divide our County. He has put in the years, notice he kept quiet long enough to convince some people he is okay! Of course the blogs help exposing him.
I'm concerened about the family he went after (Mclarens) from what I read they were innocent. I don't believe the paper reported anything about the family being chased, the children living in fear and were forced to live underground for like 4 years.
Had the public known about the family on the run, he would not have been voted in again. Why was it kept quiet?
Ask Forrester why it was kept quiet. I doubt his father would have silenced the community like that man does. Bud was for the aluminum plant, for growth. He wasn't afraid of a challenge. Steve acts like the school bully. Beating up anyone who challenges his authority or the status quo he has created in each of his mini kingdoms, his little paper empire. Scary what a barrel of ink goes for, especially when you own the only barrel.
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